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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
11 Purrs & Barks:
She does look quite vamp~ish. Then fangs...look at 'em...beware Mr. grumpster!!! PLUS, 'tis the season of shost and goblins...so Tilly will fit right in!!! Hope yer mommy and daddy are feeling somewhat better! have a happy weekend!
Oh in that first picture you can totally see her vampire fangs! And in that second one she is totally trying to look all sweet and innocent! You should warn your parents!! And be sure to protect your neck from her!
I hope your p's are feeling better - I konw the flu is going around here and I am hoping not to get it. At least they can say they are done with it for the season - they should be safe the rest of the year! At least from the flu (maybe not from Vampire Tilly though)!
Look at those fangs! She must have been watching Dark Shadows.
EEEK!! you better get a garlic necklace, just to be safe!!!
I think the fangs are scary looking but I think that realy you are a pussy cat.. Hugs GJ xx
Do vampires have BD eyes like that?!?
You may be right... Rawr, Tilly!
I am a bit worried about Tilly.
She does look like a bit of a Vamp!
We know about busy. And sick. Mom has been both. You're in our reader, Wilfred and we'll look forward to seeing whenever you get a chance to post!
Tilly does look viscious.
I hope your folks are feeling better, and tell your mom to take it easy and just blog when she gets some time, not to stress over it. We all understand.
I've chosen you to receive the "This blog is a dream" award. Come over to Cat of Nine Tales to check it out!
~Lisa Co9T
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