edit: mom here- i just wanted to say that this is not really Wilfred being mean, it's just the way he plays with them, i have been trying to capture him doing it but never could so i thought i would "re-create" it by pushing the pups at wilfred, it looks like they are scared but usally they like it, ok. i feel better now, i was worried that everyone would think their was puppy abuse going on. haha.
oh and also i am going to do my best to try and help wilfred blog every day now! i finally have a camera and a computer so i am set!

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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
9 Purrs & Barks:
Don't make me have to khome down there and kikhk your khat bum!
Khanines rule!
Yuou are showing your honesty :)
Oh no, poor puppies!!...Wilfred, you are their big brother and you will love them eventually, it's only normal to be jealous of the babies; we hope they're nicer to you when they grow up!!!...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki
Goodness, Wilfred! You are SO much bigger than those pupsqueaks.
Grayson use to bunnykick Gandalf a squillion times a day when he was only a few weeks old/months old. Grayson was a year old and so much bigger! It use to make Mom very nervous, but Grayson was only very gently bunnykicking him. No, really.
Oh that was so funny! Those puppies were really not in the mood, were they! I can't believe they are so tiny though - that or Wilfred has really gotten big!
And there is always someone bunnykicking someone else at our house - we know it isn't a huge deal. Dog people might think it is horrible but we understand that you would break it up if it got necessary - that happens at our house but it is rare. In our house it is usually the youngest starting the fight so even if they are small I don't break it up unless it gets mean. I am guessing it is the same with the puppies.
Wilfred, you got some good rasslin' buddies there!
Oh no poor puppies.. The video made it look as though they were being hurtled at you.. They will though get bigger so beware.. MOL.. Hugs GJ xx
Awwww, we can't believe how B~~I~~G you are next to them little bittie pups! Like Daisy said...they make great wrasslin' buddies! Have fun. Don't put the bitey on them too hard you B~I~G Ferocious ManCat, you!
Watch out Wilfred, those puppies will get bigger!
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