well today's post is dedicated to Mason because his birthday is sometime this week! my mom has to look at his papers to remember which day it is. hey mom, why don't i have papers?? hmm.. anyways, i am not too excited about posting about mason because he locked me in the bathroom a couple weeks ago, but the cool thing is that he entered a contest where he could win some monies and he said he would share it with me so that i why i am posting this!! here is the link to go vote. you can vote once every 24 hours!! please go vote for him, kthx. http://www.cutestdogcompetition.com/vote.cfm?h=0A111A856E2B82791FCAB51D015FE639 here are some other pictures of him. tell us if you think any of them are cuter than the one she submitted and we can change it! thanks!!
this is the one she submitted:

other ones that she likes:

or maybe you think tilly is cuter?? but i have to remind you that she is a BAD DOG!
i will probably update with some pictures of me soon. i got a package from winning a contest from Romeo and my mom bought me some cool new stuff she just has not had time to take pictures of me and do a post. so sorry everyone!!
but go vote for mason and if he wins lots of monies i will send each person that voted for him a Present!!!
alright, c ya'll
11 Purrs & Barks:
Congrats to your brother ^^
The first picture is very cute! We will vote on it =)
I love the first picture of Mason but I also love the one of his reflection in the mirror - could you enter two? And the one of Tilly is cute too - but if she is a bad dog would she be nice and share with you? I hope so! We saw your mom's post on our blog - tell her not to worry about rushing to get the paw it forward out - we can wait! We are getting our stuff together to do it on our site too! We voted for Mason - it is too bad we can only vote once a day - with 5 cats we should get 5 votes!
I voted, I voted! I had to click on the link a few times to get it to work. That is a really cute photo, but I also like the mirror reflection photo and the muddy face photo, too.
I like the car one. That one is by FAR my favorite. He looks so handsome!
Oh wow! They are all good! We couldn't pick one! And Happy Birthday, Mason!
How cute! We're gonna go vote!!!
I love the underdog piture.
Awwwwww, I love the third one. He is such a cutie. Couldn't vote yet, they are doing main. on site.
Just so you know, we made our mom vote. If we can get her to remember, we'll have her do it everyday!!!
Too cute, for a dog that is!!! I love the picture of him in the car mirror.
Hey!! That picture does look like it's me!!!
Diego Dog
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