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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
Blog Archive
- Friday night at the movies
- Wordy wednesday: Mommy is not amused!
- Wordless Wednesday- Gesunheit!
- Cutest Dog Competition
- Comments not working!
- Lazy Monday
- Mason's b-day
- still have not been fed!
- (Almost) Wordless Wednesday- GIVE ME NOMS
- All About Mason
- Wordless Wednesday: 1 Act Play! Costumes by Daisy ...
- Lazy Sunday
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
14 Purrs & Barks:
Wilfred, you are too kyoot! You look like you are giving the Brooklyn Salute.
Mom says you look like a combination of Gandalf and Grayson, only Grumpier! hahahaha!
Oh Wilfred - you look very manly there! Although that could also be interpreted as you making a gesture to the camera that can only be called, well, lets just say not a nice one - which is completely hilarious to me (don't ask me why that was my first thought - I think it is the Italian in me who has seen that used a few times). I can just picture what the LOLcat would be!
And let your mom know - we got the package and will be posting about it today - we sent an email (we think - it was from the phone so it is always hard to tell if it went through). It is funny because your mom's comment came up right at the same time I posted a quick note on it!
haha, that is funny. she has not checked her e-mail this morning.
I wanted to add (I saw your new post) that it was hard to take the pictures because they loved it SO much - I couldn't keep them out of the box (mainly Barney) to take a picture - they just wanted to play! He went CRAZY (like seriously jumping all over it) over that ball - he will usually get tired of playing after a little while but he pretty much dominated it all night!
Bless you Sneezy!!! You are one of THE cutest, ferocious, MANcats of all time Mr. Grumpster!!! Hope you have a furry fun Wednesday!!! We have an award on our page today for ALL of our furriends! :o)
What an adorable face you have Mr. Grumpster -- even in mid-sneeze! Look at that little paw, purrfectly posed as well. How cute for a Wordless Wednesday!
Those darn sneezes! Bless you, Wilfred!
Wilfred, I think it looks like you have a frog in your throat and you are trying to clear it! You are a silly-billy!
You're sooooo cute ^^
AaaaaChooooooooooooooo! Ah, I feel better now.
Bless you!
By the way, this will be a PRIME candidate for both Cute Overload and FU, Penguin. I'll be submitting to both! Haha
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Mummy is on the floor laughing, what a priceless shot that is!
I want to steal you you're so cute!
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