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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
14 Purrs & Barks:
You look kinda sleepy. Did you just wake up?
You are trying to move around really well, there. Just take a long nap and you will wake up like a brand new cat!
I bet you are already feeling better!
Thanks for the purrs and prayers for my Mommy! I know that they helped!
You'll be back to your grumpy self in no time!
I bet I khould knokhk the loop out of woo!
Be careful, Wilfred! With that adorable sleepy look, you look like a snuggle magnet!
Hey little cutie grogy head!
Awww, you look so exceptionally kyute while you're groggy!!! We hope you are feeling ok and be sure to tell your mom to gives you LOTS of NOMS! Also, we hope you're day isn't too sore either (well, his situation differed frfom yours ALOT) We purraying it's not going to be TOO expensive to fix his car! Hope you have a GRRR-8 weekend you Big BOY!
Aww you look so cute with your little sleepy face.
Whitey had mai hoo-ha-ectomy a few months ago. I iz OK now. You will be, too! You'll see!
Don't fight the sleepies... naps are wonderful things - and you'll feel way better when you get up. :)
Aww What cute little faces you can make when you are loopy! BOL Hope you feel un-loopy soon.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
You're very cute when you're loopy.
hi - i came by from mollie & bo bo - I love cats - you sorta look like my Louie - he lets me wrestle with him - he's very patient with me unlike the 2 girl cats we have - hope your hoo-ha-ectomy is feeling better - Don't jump - or you'll get a hernia!
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