YAY! i am back! sorry that it has been so long since i updated. i will try and do better(Hint Hint Daddy) he is the only one with a computer at home! so something scary is happening today! i am having my man parts removed! i do not know why they have to do this but mommy said it had to happen sometime! i didnt get to eat or drink anything since last night at 10. i was so grumpy this morning and was whining for some water but mom did not give me ANY! she is mean. everyone kept saying i was beautiful when i went to the vet :) this helped my feelings a little. i was a very brave boy and did not act scurred at all! please purr and pray that everything goes ok. my mom is a little bit worried. she is picking me up at 5:30 and will update on how i am tonight!
i made a video of me playing trackball while in my tent, it is very neat!
also, Moo And Baa are coming to my house! i am so excited! i think they are gonna have a great time in GA!

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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
16 Purrs & Barks:
It's gonna be OK. Mr. Forrest wants you to know that even if your "boys" are gone - you is gonna be all man-catty!
We're purring for you, but we are sure everything will be okay. Once they are gone, you will soon forget you ever had them.
Love your video. So clever of you to stay hidden except for the paw. You are going to feel so much better in a few days.
Effurything is going to be fine sweet little Mr. Grumpster! Just think, you will be like a B~I~G boy when you come home! Our purrayers are coming at you full-force! Tell your mommy she has to make it up to youwith TONS'O'NOMS!!!
Wilfred, it is very hilarious how you play Trackball from inside your tent!!!
I will be thinking of you today. Do not worry, you do not need those parts anyway. And when you get back home, I'll bet you will get lots of extra hugs and kisses!
We love how you added a degree of difficulty to trackbal, Wilfred!
We all had those parts taken away and we did not mind one bit, other than the Vet part. We never like that part at all! We'll be purring for you today!
Oh Wilfred, we feel for you - Barney is getting his boy parts removed next Wednesday. But he can't eat after 9 so you had an extra hour of food (although they are allowing him water). The big problem at our house - all the food has to be put away, so all the other kitties don't get anything either! We are so excited to be sending Moo and Baa on to you! We can't wait to see the adventures you all will have!
We are keeping our fingers and paws crossed and sending out a ton of purrs and prayers and good thoughts to you - we are sure everything will go well!
Hai, Wilfred! Hey, you'll nefur miss those bits. I don't. As fur bein grumpy, my older sisfur Bonnie was REALLY grumpy. Her was da Crabby Tabby an nefur happy unless her was mad. Mom says da grumpy ones is speshul. But I's not grumpy an she says I's speshul, too. Whatefur!
In Flickr, you can click "All Sizes" an there's code to copy an paste into da bloggy. We's on Flickr, too. http://www.flickr.com/photos/lambj/
Victor Tabbycat
Nice job wif da bideo! I wonner where my cubes has goned? Nina an I could haf lots an lots of fun in thems!
Hi Wilfred! Nice to see you back. I like your new blog layout. It's very cool.
We know Moo and Baa will have a fabulous time at your house. They will be a great cheer up squad!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
Good to see you again! That's so exciting that Moo and Baa are coming to see you!! My mom is headed to GA next week for work!
Didn't know you were going to lose your hoo-hahs today. I hope everything went well.
I loved the video of you playing.
Wilfred...we hope your surgery went well...losing your hoo-hahs is just part of growing up! You won't miss them a bit!
YIPPEE!!! We love Moo and Baa, can't wait to see the trouble you can get into!!
We's purring fur you, and waiting for an update.
Love & Purrs,
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