so yesterday something very bad happened while mom and dad were at work! i was very very scairt! some bad men broke into our house and stoled our stuff! they got our PS3, my moms laptop and camera(with the memory card full of pictures of me),a video camera, my dads hand gun! and lots of other stuff! mom was just glad they did not take me! her and dad are very mad! i was just really scairt all night and did not act myself. tilly seemed traumatized as well. we hope this guy gets caught! it is not fair that while mom and dad are at their REAL jobs making green monies that these bad people just steal stuff to make money. we are all very sad but we are doing ok. i just wanted to let you all know that i might not be blogging for a while since mom doesnt habe a computer or phone. i will try to keep you updated on if these bad people get found!

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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
18 Purrs & Barks:
Oh Wilfred this is so awful! I can't believe some jerks (don't want to swear but what I am actually thinking is much worse then jerks) would do something like that. I am just very happy that everyone is ok - I totally understand why you and your family would be scared. If there is anything we can do to help you and your family out let us know - we are sending lots of purrs and prayers and good thoughts to all of you - and lots of catch the bad guys thoughts to the police. We hope they catch them and can get your stuff back.
I am so sorry to hear about this. I hope they catch the bad men who broke into your house and took your stuff. Even more, I'm glad you weren't hurt.
OMC!!! That is awful!!! Well, thank goodness you are all ok! That's the main concern. It's just a shame we live in a world where people are just so F***'d up!!! Stuff like this makes our mom SO mad she can hardly contain herself and the words that come outta her mouf are very X~rated! We are so sorry to hear about this and please let us know when this loser is caught!
Wilfred, we are glad that you are all safe. It is horrible being burgled, and especially with all the stuff that was taken. We agree that these are bad people, and it makes us angry too.
That just sukhks...
Why are 'hoomans' such evil khritters!
How awful! It just doesn't seem right. Thank goodness you were not taken or hurt.
Oh my Cod! I am so glad you are safe, but I am FURIOUS at those mean and bad burglars. It is very, very, very Wrong and I hope they get caught and get in BIG trouble.
What terrible news!
We've been robbed too, and this isn't a good feeling ....
Best of all is that you haven't been kidnapped! If you had gone with evil men, we would be sad :(
Hiya again (re: your post to us) Mom says that when she gets home, she'll see how many of them ballies we actually have and if there's more than just that one, we'll send some to you! :o)
No WAY! You have NO idea how many balls we have! It's kinda sinful! MOL!!! Mom will check. You like the paper machei ones? we have yarn ones, ones with beads inside, etc...Let us know what you like
That is just awful.. Why do humans do such evil things.. It is just so awful that your mum and dad are out earning and someone just comes along and takes what they have worked hard to pay for.. I so hope they are caught and made to pay.. MUm says if she can help at all yell.. Hugs GJ x
Oh Wilfred... I'm so sorry about this.
This is very terrible news. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
I'm going to start a Christmas fund for you and your family. This really made me super sad to hear.
We all love you here and feel you guys deserve a great Christmas.
That is awful Wilfred! We are glad you are safe though. We hope those evil people get caught.
We read about the burglary on Melvin's blog. What a frightening time for you and a big loss for your mom & dad.We hope the ones who did it are caught soon and you are able to return to blogging on your own computer with pictures from your own camera.
We came from Melvin's too. We are so sorry for what happened. Just evilness.
I also came over from Melvin's. I hope that those evil people get caught and you get your stuff back. It's a horrible thing to have happen. At least no one was hurt.
We found out from our best buddy Melvin and we hope the bad people will get caught and punished. My mom is so happy you and your family are safe but scare of what could have happened to you..
We will help you the best we can and keep you and your family in our prayers..
We love you...
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