So Today's post is all about Dogs. i will turn the blog over to mom to talk about the Puppy predicament she is in! oh and before i go i just wanted to tell everyone that one of my pictures is on icanhazcheezburger! here is the link
check it out! k now here is mommy.
hello there, this is Mom Audrey. today is the one year birthday of Tilly and Mason's first litter of puppies, Mitzi and Jasper. we are having a birthday party tonight and i will post pictures from it soon. i also have 2 Wilfred related posts that need to be put up but i have not had the time. hopefully soon! anyways so here is the Deal, Tilly loves having puppies..or at least i think she does and i decided after last time i would not get either of them fixed until i was POSITIVE that i did not want any more pups. well its that time again, we skipped one heat because that is the best way to do it and now she is in heat again. the last litters puppies all went to Family which i felt really good about but i can not be positive that this litter would go to all family and friends. i am not doing this to make a profit it is just such a wonderful thing to experience and i would really like to do it once more before getting the dogs fixed. i would really like all of your opinions on the subject and if anyone would be interested in getting one of the puppies if i decided to do it! i would go out of my way if i could give one to a blogger! we have a few more days before she will be ready so hopefully you all can help me make a decision before then!
this is Mitzi, She might help you make up your mind.
thanks for your suggestions ahead of time!

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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
15 Purrs & Barks:
Awwwwwww, that photo of Mitzi is gorgeous. I love her little nose. I have too many animals to take one but I'm sure they will go like hotcakes to other ppl. Good luck with which ever you choose.
Mom here. I had Pekes for 30+ years. Shortly after Ching and Sha Na went to the Bridge at 14 and 15 years old, I got G&G.
The first pair (Baby and Tiffany) never had any puppies. The 2nd pair did! Sha Na conceived naturally and had easy deliveries at home. She had 3 litters total before I had her spayed in order to protect her from breast cancer, etc. Sha Na was a great Mommy and had gorgeous, healthy pups.
I had a very hard time rehoming the last litter because I knew they were the last litter! I didn't sell my pups either, but found perfect homes with loving families for each and every one of those darlings after extremely careful screening.
I wouldn't dream of advising you. It's a decision only you, and perhaps your Vet, can make based on the health of Tilly and other factors.
Mom Barb
We saw you on ICHC, Wilfred! You iz famous now!
Barb- i spoke with my vet before we had the first litter and he said they were great canidates to breed. she had a great pregnancy and delivery, produced plenty of milk and did GREAT with the babies! they were and still are very healthy and beautiful!
that is not why i am worried about it.. i just want to know that i will be able to find wonderful homes for them because i really cant have anymore dogs!
Mom are an evil, evil person posting that adorable picture! My heart just MELTED! I know for a fact that my husband would literally KILL me if I came home with a puppy! Whereas our three and a half year old would think I was the BOMB! LOL We really hope that should you do it, they find absolutely terrific homes and families to spend their days with! Good luck on your decision. And Mr Grumpster??? Why'd they call you Fred offur there???
they did not know my name because someone else made the Lol. its kinda like a abbreviation of my name though..wilFRED
She is so precious! I'm afraid we couldn't afford another dog.
Mitzi is about the cutest little puppy I've seen! We've wanted a dog for a very long time (shhhhhh! don't tell Katie!) but we just travel for work too much... it just wouldn't be fair.
It sure sounds like you are careful and diligent to find wonderful homes with families that can properly care for their new pups. I say follow your heart!
Mitzi is just so cute!! I wish i could take a puppy, but only cats are allowed in my apartment building.
Oh that is such a cute puppy - I agree you are evil! I wish we could have a puppy right now but we just don't have a good house for a dog - if we had a better place I would be all over it but since we don't really have a yard it just wouldn't be fair to a puppy. Which stinks of course, because they look so cute and I do really want once at some point.
Aw, the LOLCat is adorable!
I don't know nothin' bout birthin' no puppies, so I don't have any advices.
Hey, we see you decided to follow us! Our mewmie gets so busy, she sometimes just resorts to cute photos instead of info...but hope you enjoy getting to know us.
We wanted to quickly stop by and say thanx for making your appearance at Skeeter's pawty yesterday!!! You are THE CUTEST!!!
hi every person,
I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]
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