hello, today i am modeling a fashion that is not very confortable.
it is a tye and it says chick magnet. that is what i am i guess
please dont pay attention to the fact that i do not have amazing ear tufts like Melvin. i am insecure about it..
this is a close up. also you can see my nose real good. this is one of my modeling techniques. it is very prosh. i should be in GQ
wearing this tye is making me grumpy..take it off mommy!!
Thank you! i feel better. wait no.i am not better, i need a TEMPTATION! NOWWWW!
hurry mommy get it in my mouth!
i am starving here!!!!!
whew, thanks. now i am all good inside.
hope you like my tye i will probably not ever wear it again because it is UNCONFORTABLE.

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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
Blog Archive
- Mom Meme and a little bit of Wilf
- this is MY blog!
- A preview of the Paw it FORWARD I got in the mail
- Wordless Wednesday: Self Portrait (Biggify for ful...
- Wordless Wednesday:sunshine
- My ball...Mason stoled it!
- Some splaining
- Wordless Wednesday: First Time exploring
- My FIRST day With Mommy
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
22 Purrs & Barks:
Oh Mr. Grumpster! We look forward to your blogs every day! You are such a silly-boy! Oops, we mean silly FEROCIOUS MANcat! That tie was cute and SO true (Skeeter and Pandora have an eye for you!) You did look quite grumpish after yer mom took it off. Loved the close-up of your snooter. And as for Temptations!!! YUM-MEOW!!!
Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III, you are such a cutie-pie! Tie or no tie! I agree with you that ties can be very uncomfortable -- and after all it's summer and you should be able to relax.
Oh Mr. Grumpster you did look very prosh in your tie, but it did look very uncomfortable! And as far as ear tufts, yours are wonderful - they are different then Melvins, but they are equally amazing.
You are a most excellent model, Wilfred! But you do look a little bit grumpier than usual when modeling. You know, many of the famous models on GQ have a real serious, grumpy sort of expression while modeling! This proves you are a natural!
ps: I am glad to see you got your treat payment for modeling. That's important!
You looked very posh and I think you modelled it real good. I would not like that on my neck.
Hugs GJ xx
You are cute with or without your tie. Thanks for wearing it though.
OMG! You are very beautiful with this scarf!
So cute =)
I don't do ties, collars, hats, clothes, etc. I like to be natural! I think your ear tufts are just purrfect!
With or without - you are very handsome!
Hi Wilfred, (do we call you Wilfred or Mr. Grumpster?) Thanks for coming to visit us. We will add you to our linkslist and reader. You do look cute,errr manly in your tie, but we are the same as you and wouldn't want to wear it. It is good that you make sure you get treats for modelling.
Oh! We have a award for you: "Pet Blog" (in Portuguese: Blog de estimação)
We're sorry that your tie was not comfortable, Wilfred...it did make you look very sophisticate!
Oh Wilfred, I must say that your ear tufts are rather amazing. Melvin's tufts just grew big when the rest of him stayed little. Lol
I think Melvin would scratch me in my sleep if I tried putting a tie on him. He's not big for dressup. So for that, I must say that you are quite the kitty!
You don't need a tie to attract the chicks Wilfred. Your ear tufts are gorgeous too!
Whicky Wuudler
Oh silly little Wilfred, you can't run away! Your mommy loves you, too. And you KNOW it!
But, if you MUST run away, we'll be keeping a bed warm for you. :P
We have given you an award which you can collect from our blog.
Look at you with your awesome tie, you don't look so grumpy to me!
Oodles of Love,
The Kitty City Gazette
You look totally pawsome in your fashions, Wilfred!
What a wonderful photo-shoot! Profesional cat is professional looking! Business tie and all! Glad to see there were rewards after the removal of said tie.
We think you did a great job modeling, even if your tie was making you grumpier than normal. We agree with Daisy - it was good to see that you got paid for modeling. She's a professional model. We love your ear tufts.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Hiya there Mr. Grumpster! So, about the Paw~It~Forward...if you'd like to participate what you do is send us your mailing address and we send you goodies, toys, etc...in a package. Then, you pick 3 pets to Paw~It~Forward to and it just keeps going. It's lotsa fun, especially getting all the fun stuff! So, let us know!!!
PAWESOME! Go to our page, and view complete profile. There, you will find our mommy's email. You would have to send her an email with a mailing address and put Paw It Foward in the subject line. There is no price range. It can also be something you find, so sometimes you don't even have to spend a dime! But, our mo likes to do that! LOL
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