Everyone says that I am soooo cute, but I am NOT cute! I am a very big ferocious and untame MANCAT grumpster! I will EAT you

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About Me

- Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III
- I am am Only cat living in the South and i have 2 dog siblings a mommy and a daddy. i have a great life but i choose to be grumpy reguardless because i am cute enough to get away with it.
Blog Archive
- Mom Meme and a little bit of Wilf
- this is MY blog!
- A preview of the Paw it FORWARD I got in the mail
- Wordless Wednesday: Self Portrait (Biggify for ful...
- Wordless Wednesday:sunshine
- My ball...Mason stoled it!
- Some splaining
- Wordless Wednesday: First Time exploring
- My FIRST day With Mommy
My Blog List
Lola Update9 years ago
Noll's Heavy Heart10 years ago
Review – Cat Hampurr10 years ago
Thank you for all the help11 years ago
Best phone call12 years ago
FLOOF and FUR13 years ago
Me & my squeeker!15 years ago
17 Purrs & Barks:
Melvin seems to have this same problem.
Everyone says he's so cute, but I've even shown in videos that he is one tough dude.
It must come with the birthday.
By the way... You are pretty cute. I can't help it.
You are cute. You will be a big mancat soon enough. The cuter you are, the more loves and hugs and kisses and treats you get.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Oh! I see you do have a ferocious look in your eye....but you're just so darn cute.
Oh! You're a tiggy very fierce =)
Jas & Gi
Well, anyone can see dat yoo is a fierce mancat...yoo cute little adorable kitty face! Sorry, we just couldn't help ourselfs, yoo is just too cute.
Wilfred, it is plain to see that you are very fierce and ferocious, and you will grow up to be a mighty Mancat. Um, and you're real cute, too.
Dear Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III, You may be a ferocious, grumpster on the inside, but you iz also a very kitteny kyoot furball on the outside. You've got plenty of time to grow into your attitude, little dude!
I just saw your name on Melvin's blog and had to come over and say hello. You are just too adorable (even if you are grumpy!) Please come by and visit anytime.
Oh Mr. Grumpster! Everyone just can't help by saying how cute you are...YOU ARE! BUT, you will be a big, ferocious, GRUMPY, ManCat soon enough! Until then...you're cute
Wilfred, we heard about you on Melvin's blog and had to come visit! And I have to say, you are quite the ferocious mancat! A very handsome (is that better than cute?) mancat!
Meowm squealed when she saw you. She said something about a cute little floofball. We think you should take your time growing up....enjoy being a kitten, you get in less trouble when you are young because you haven't "learned" all the proper stuff yet.
I'm happy to have put a smile on your mommy's face! Now to only find that little thing that will make YOU smile!
Well, you scared us...NOT!!! Hehehe!
Hello, Wilfred! We also learned about you from Melvin, and we wanted to stop by and meet you. We have to say your human staff is undercutting your serious message with a seriously cute and adorable photo of you. You'll have to work on that with them...
Keep up the good work, Wilfred! Then we can share a spectacular online birthday party together!
Nahhh I don't buy it. You will just purr and lick us to death.
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