so i am making my mom do the mom meme because everyother cat mom has done it. she thinks that she is too boring but i dont think so. if you just want a see a picture of me scroll all the way down!
Either (1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos OR (2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos, OR (3) post a childhood picture of yourself.
i guess i will do seven facts and pictures since i do not have any child pictures.
here i am doing a photoshoot with my husband who is a photographer. he takes most of the wilfred pictures.

this is his website
here are facts:
1. i work in the Medical Field for a finance company called Unalisys here is a link to our Website
2. i have 3 weeks of cosmotology school left. i am going at night and on saturdays. then i will do hair at home on the side while i continue to work at Unalisys. my school is Aveda Institute of Atlanta, its 1 hour away from Newnan where i live. the drive SUCKS!
3. i love animals of all kinds and would have 100 if i could! i was not allowed to have any growing up because 1-my mom was allergic to cats 2-we had a dog when i was little and it always bit me and tore up the house so we had to get rid of it. so i guess i kinda went a little crazy when i moved out. i have had 2 dogs(mason and tilly) then i got a chinchilla, a bird for Gavin, a iguana which ran away while it was on its leash outside. and a bunny. the last edition to the family was Wilfred and i did not really think i was a cat person until i got him! now i LOVEEEE cats. i almost like him better than the dogs. Shhh dont tell!
4. when i was really little i wanted to be an ice skater but soon realized that wouldnt happen seeing as i live in GA and we didnt have any rinks close by. My DREAM JOB would be a marine biologist and i would want to work at Miami seaquarium and be a dolphin trainer! but i did not want to go to school that long because i hate school!
5. My husband and i went to the same church since we were very little and we got married on the beach in destin December 22 of 2006. it was perfect! i had a Vera Wang dress and bare feet. it was priceless!
6. i don't want kids. i like them but only to play with and would not enjoy having to raise one. my husband shares this opinion on the subject which is good. i just like having animals instead.
7. i am probably one of the youngest cat blog moms. i am only 20 and i will be turning 21 on september 22 and am soooo excited! oh and yes, i got married when i was 18. haha
hope this wasnt completly boring. wilfred is alot more exciting i know!!

7 Purrs & Barks:
That was not boring at all! I think you are one of the youngest cat moms - at least younger than I am (I am 37). Those are great pictures of you - you are really pretty! And your husband is a great photographer - that would be my dream job (I went to school for it but then changed my mind). That stinks that you have such a far drive to school but is awesome that you are almost finished - I have like 3 classes left to take and at the moment am not taking classes because it is too hard for me with work (and it is pricey) so I admire that you are able to do both. I have to also say how lucky you are with all the pets - I love my cats but one of my dream pets since I was little was a chinchilla. I just didn't think the cats could handle it. Anyway it is nice to meet you!!
Your husband is a wonderful photographer! And I would have guessed that you are a model. My Mommie was not really a cat person at first; when she got her first apartment, she got a cat and fell in love with cats.
You are not boring at all. How do you do all that stuff AND maintain a blog for your kitty? It was very interesting and you've got lots of great things in your life. Thanks for sharing.
It is great knowing more about your mom =)
She is very beautiful, and her father is a great photographer!
The last picture is very cute ^^
You are not boring at all! I love learning more about all the cat moms!!
Wowee Mr. Grumpster! Yer mom is really pretty. We think it's super kewl yer Dad's a photographer. Our mom poses like a freak for the camera (she's a ham) Ham? Did someone say ham??? Oh wait, we fell off track...And, tell yer mommy that she is NOT boring. She is young, but that's cool. Our mom is 38, but she SO acts like she's still 21! MOL
Thanx for sharing!!!
Yes, you are very young compared to most of us crazy cat ladies in the blogosphere! You are also stunningly gorgeous! Your husband does a fantastic job with the photos. I wish the two of you many happy years together.
Actually, they say childless marriages are amongst the happiest! And I think it's wonderful that you have the courage of your convictions.
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